

Lakewood Water District’s Engineering Department is responsible for the engineering and GIS programs for the District, as well as planning, operations, and maintenance of the water pumping, treatment, and storage facilities. The District’s Engineering Manager works with District staff, fellow engineers, developers, and contractors needing support in the design and installation of new water infrastructure. The District's Engineering Manager oversees the developer extension process, plan reviews, development of design and construction standards, and all development and/or construction projects that impact the District's water supply, storage, and treatment infrastructure.

Engineering of District projects is assigned to two groups within the District.  The water supply projects (wells, tanks, pump stations, pressure-reducing stations, and water quality improvements) are assigned to the Pumping & Water Treatment Department, which is part of the Engineering Department.  Engineering of distribution and transmission main projects are handled by the District’s Operations Manager and the Operations Department.  In most cases, outside engineering consultants will assist with projects by developing project specifications and drawings.  At times, especially on small projects, District staff will provide the project design specifications and plans.  Construction management, including inspection, is normally handled within their specific departments.